Here I go again with my incessant traveling on the web. I found this cool blog called I found it very personal but has a flavour that you would want to read from start to finish. I liked it because I felt the intensity. I found that only a few people have that kind of voice nowadays. Even I have given up on my delusions.

On a more pressing note, I just noticed that I am getting very depressed and neurotic. Stir-crazy. This has got to stop but I don't know how. Feels like the Blackhole is coming back.

Comments (1)

On November 27, 2007 at 9:32 AM , Anonymous said...

I checked out the blog and it's cool. By the way I finished another story, i.e. posting it on my blog. I miss you so much. Planning to changejobs after the school year is over. Ready to do things I really have not appreciated before. And the story keeps moving forward.

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