Yes! It's another open letter. This time, Richard is writing this out of sheer desperation and frustration regarding the situation.
"Why did this all have to happen that I live in my universe and you have your own?" he asked as he sat in front of his computer.
"All I want is to be your harbor..." was the aptly playing song in the background.
He wanted to post this because you seem to be so near yet you are so far from his reach.
Everyday, he tries to elicit a response from you. He would always be the one to initiate the text messaging although he knows that there will be a danger to his sanity that you will not respond. Lately, you do but it seems that the happiness is too flimsy and fleeting to hold on to. That is what makes him desperate.
Instead of writing this for himself, I had to write this stupid letter for him. He is so frustrated that he cannot even touch his own pen to begin writing. I love his handwriting so much but it seems that you are stopping him from writing, from showing his love for you and most of all, from being happy. That is what makes me frustrated.
The song is now coming to an end as the speakers say:
"fear is the brightest of signs
the shape of the boundary you leave behind
so sing all your questions to sleep
the answers are out there in the drowning deep"
No! Another open letter for somebody who might not even care. Richard is pining away in desperation. He is twisting in frustration but the song was starting to loop back to the start.
11:10 PM |
Comments (3)
Please tell "Richard" that I understand how he feels right now. I know how it feels to hope, and hope,...and hope...even though I know deep inside that it's futile. He has two choices, just like I had back then: it's either he goes on hoping and pining 'til he loses his sanity and self esteem or learn to let go and hold his dignity. Guess what I chose....
truth be told, i have written a lot of poetry for someone who was not deserving. the feeling went away but the poetry remained - i know you will know when to hold on and when to let go. but if you are something like me, as an artist, i love being tragic (despite being sickeningly happy most of the time). :-D
Zee, Richard is evading tragedies right now. :-) However, poetry is close to his heart; so much so that he considers his poems to be sons and daughters of his intellect.
Richard says, "Thank you!" for commenting about Eruption. :-)