Open your cupped hands.
Fluttering away, you will see
the red wings & black markings
fade into the blue.
You will hear at every flap
from the light bright heart
of your liberated captive.
The wind will take the butterfly away.
You have no need to fret
because the memory will flutter back
whenever you find roses
- drifting in the wind.
Tomorrow, put a smile on & hold this fact true:
If you've held fast today,
you'll only have stains of red & black
- powdered wings and crushed body.
Something will be left - something sure
permanent, indelible, immortal
that neither time nor tears could wear or wash away.
This is still part of Richard's attempt to collect and collate most of his poetry to this blog. This is actually an old poem from March 13, 2005. He wrote this while he was at work.
Richard decided to post this in response to Cecille's comment on Emjay's photograph of a dragonfly.
Comments (2)
hmmm... a very symbolic poem... and i wonder... :-D
btw, i like your new layout. its better than the last. how i wish i know how to write codes so i can also make my own! (maybe in another lifetime)
thanks for your comment re: edward + isabella. i left a note for you in my comments link, as usual. :-D heee heee
until next time!
What could you be wondering about? I'm very curiuos.
Thanks for appreciating the new layout. If you want, I can always teach HTML and CSS with a minimal fee : any flavored venti! hahaha!