
tea steams in a paper cup.

the siren's song is defied by ears,
leaves and lips that refrain from coffee.

cigarette smoke swirls.

sipping from my cup, showing no fear of heat,
should encourage you to hold my hands.

breath is blown out.

my eyes encouraged your fingers.
tea leaves on cup-bottom already fortells good fortune.

tea steams in a paper cup. cigarette smoke swirls.
breath held back waiting for silence to break
and Starbucks resumes her song.

Comments (3)

On October 7, 2008 at 2:55 PM , Anonymous said...

so what happened? :-) haha so did she or didn't she seize the moment to hold your hand? very nice!

On October 7, 2008 at 8:30 PM , Anonymous said...

i like the songs you shared to me when we were in starbucks Ü

On October 11, 2008 at 4:15 AM , Rchrd said...

To gravity,

I have more of Vienna Teng's songs at home. You can copy it from me if you'd like.Ü

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