There's a saying that when it rains, it pours. It seems that today, it happened to me both literally and figuratively. Earlier in the morning, it rained. During the afternoon, a lot of new things poured down on me. I think that today is a start of new things and discoveries. Kate already finished her novel and I have in my hands her first manuscript; my friend, Anyanka, from Mafia Mofo asked me to coauthor a blog with her; finally, I learned something new about myself.
It seems that over the past entries, I have been mentioning that my friend, Kate, has a novel. As it turns out, she has finished giving birth to her novel and I have the manuscript already. The beginning looks promising and I can't wait to ravage through the entire piece. Being the bookworm that I am, I can finish that manuscript before the week is up. I can only give vague details about the novel because I want to ensure that readers worldwide buy her book once they get off the press and become available in bookstores; no spoilers here, sorry. I started reading the manuscript while I was at the van station, waiting for it to fill up with passengers. I was able to finish 5 chapters in less than 30 minutes.
When I arrived home, I checked my Mafia Mofo and I found a message from my friend, Anyanka. She is sort of my big sister in that online RPG and we've become friends even though we are continents apart. I love the internet! Anyway, she has asked me to coauthor a blog with her and naturally, I accepted. Wait for further updates on that. By the way, I think you are reading this Big Sis. Hello to you! Ü
Now, on to something really weird. While I was at the van, I noticed that there's a funny smell in the air. Think in the lines of vinegar! It smelled like somebody had just finished jogging and decided to raise his hairy armpits for the world to smell. As it turns out, I think that I was that smelly guy. How did I find out? I discretely raised my right arm and pretended to rest my head on my shoulders, that's how. I admit; I smelled horrible. I was feeling horrible too. Too bad, I was sitting next to a pretty girl wearing a green tank top and green eyeshadow. I got self-conscious of course. Moving on, I pretended to not notice until we got off the van. While waiting for a ride, I decided to check on my smell and it seems that the smell vanished! I was feeling a little bit better too. I don't know if this makes sense but this is my theory:
I smell bad if I feel bad; I smell good if I feel good.
Does that make sense? I know; I am weird. That's why you read my blog, right?