To a lot of people, it seems to me that living a life of crime is an enchanting idea. I cannot deny that I also secretly desire it. Once, when I was terribly angry at a certain person, I imagined that I would pay a group of assassins to kill that person. Of course, I didn't do anything of the sort but the idea of assassinating somebody I don't like still comes to mind at times. Living a life of crime has intrigued me and my desire to be a gang lord has been fulfilled by an online game called Mafia MoFo. Through that game, I am able to release my pent up frustrations in life without hurting anybody physically.

Mafia MoFo is an MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role-playing game) that lets me live the life of a gangster. The goals of the game is to be the most powerful or the wealthiest gangster there ever could. In that game, I am able to do hurt a lot of people and get their virtual money, commit game crimes, and be part of a gang.

Although it seemingly promotes violence or criminal activities, it actually has some psychological benefits. Instead of committing heinous crimes, I am able to sublimate my destructive compulsions. Through sublimation, I am able to mask a very destructive behavior, such as robbing a convenience store, in just a click of a button. Clicking a button on the computer screen can be justifiably and relatively harmless.

In addition to that, I did not hurt anybody at all -- physically. In the game, I can fight with a person fist to fist or wage war with them using weapons and they will not ever feel any pain. Some would argue that their egos are hurt, but then again, they still go back for some more. Beating other players seems to satisfy my craving for destruction.

At the end of the day, I feel alright having to put up with people that annoy me. Instead of hitting a person with chair, I just click on a button and feel alright. I know that I will never be able to hurt a person and I feel that Mafia MoFo is the best way that I see on how I can be sane amidst all the frustration that the world can offer me.

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