Have you ever worked two jobs? This is the first time that I am to work 2 jobs and I feel mixed emotions about it. Up to a certain degree I am apprehensive because it would entail that I will have so much to sacrifice. However, I feel somewhat happy because I know I will be growing as a person.
I don't know if I have already posted it here, but I am currently working as a call center agent for a medical insurance. Actually, it's not medical, it's a pharmaceutical insurance. My shift starts 10:00pm - 9:00am every Monday, Thursday, and Friday; If it's a Saturday, it starts 11:00pm - 10:00am (those are in Philippine time).
Now, I've applied as an online tutor. The work hours are fairly flexible as of now, since I am still in training. I don't know yet how everything will work out when I go into it full time though.
Having two jobs made me feel apprehensive. First of all, it's because this is the first time that I will be juggling two major responsibilities at a time. Theoretically, in terms of schedule, I will not be having any major problems because of the predictability of my first job and the flexibility of the second job. However, I don't think that I will be able to handle the stress that it will definitely put on my body. As it is now, I can barely sleep because of insomnia. Even if that is the case, I know my body cannot withstand an extended period of sleeplessness. By the way I figure my schedule out, it seems that the only real time that I can rest would be my van rides to go to work and the trips when I go home. In addition to that, I will have Sunday all to myself.
Additionally, I know that I will still have to transition into the new job because it is new to me. I imagine that it might take me two to three weeks of adjusting before I can say that I am in my groove. Now this poses a problem in terms of salary because my tutorial job is output based, meaning, it will only pay a good wage if I get to make a substantial amount of tutorial. I wouldn't know how it will all figure in my budget yet. I guess I will have to cross the bridge when I get there.
Although I am feeling stressed about the current situation, I am also in a way excited to see how it will turn out. I know that the most I can get from this situation is personal growth because I haven't handled such an amount of responsibility yet. This will definitely force me out of my comfort zone and will also help me find ways of making my time more productively. I know I can work out a good schedule for myself. I just need to muster enough discipline to do a time table that I will stick to. In other words, I would only need to manage my time well and maximize whatever I will have left to focus on myself so as not to just collapse due to exhaustion. This is a reminder to myself that I would need to either buy a planner or make myself one.
On another note, but a major factor in my current predicament, I can say that my first job is actually very rewarding; I get to have three days off and my salary is also about the minimum. However, I feel that I need an extra source of income to bolster my financial status to say that I AM FINANCIALLY STABLE. That is one major reason why I decided to take this challenge. As I've said earlier, my second job is output based so it will be up to me how much I will be making. This means that I just have to do more work for more money. That is what I am most looking forward to actually achieve! My friend who already works there full time says that I can even beat my current salary by a mile if I set my mind to it. Hopefully, it turns out like that for me as well.
Since the pay will be output based, I know that I have to fully motivate myself to achieve maximum output. In terms of motivation, I could say that I do have a lot to motivate me. I have my 2 real estate payments to make, my credit card bill, my Internet bill and the money to buy groceries -- coffee being the top priority! And then, there's the additional factor of saving money for things that I merely want like a new cellular phone, a small notebook (I mean a laptop), and a digital camera for my beloved sister!
At this point, I can see that everything is uncertain. Anything can happen. All I can hope for is the best, really. This is definitely a big change. I know it is for my growth. Growing pains will definitely be there but at least I know I am evolving into another version of myself that can handle more responsibility -- a better person in other words.
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