Wow! Look at me! I have made another skin in just two days. This is very productive for me, considering that I have been neglecting my personal blogs for a long while now. Although I post on them from time to time, I really enjoy writing here in my interest site.
I guess, the reason why I enjoy posting here is because I am a visual person. I enjoy looking at things presented in an organized manner. I prefer colors compared to rhymes. I even remember book pages that has a weird pattern when you look only at the blank spaces. Hahaha! Weird , huh? !
More over, I find it easier to do layouts instead of poetry or prose because it really doesn't take out too much of my energies. With skins, you just have to make your web browser follow your tags and that is it! Compared to, let's say, poetry, I would have to think about how to cut lines, think of appropriate words and maintain logic while whittling metaphors in.
*static in the air*
And I just thought of something.... Most people don't really read poetry. On a site, they just skim and skim until something catches their fancy. At that point, they begin to read. So I guess I just really gave up one passion for another.
Fret not my friends. The Language has not left me in silence yet. I still have the skills, it's just skins I want to do right now.
And with that, I leave you with my latest skin, Fantasy Love.
Skin peeling is always good. Not only does it shed your blemishes off, it also shows that everyday, we change, and mostly, it's for the better! Cheers!
-this is statement that is so out of line, I am amazed that I still kept it here.
Comments (1)
Just showing my love for this skin even if I know that it is not meant to be. Ahuhuhu