Reinvention means to recreate one thing from a pre-existing object; not entirely the same, not radically different; as always, should be better than the latest.
Rchrdlee is all about reinventing his weblog but has tired of making different ones whenever he got to doing a new blog skin. He has about 10 blogs but most of them died already because part of Chad also died long ago. Practically, this blog is all about blogskins but essentially, this is to help in evolving not only as a web developer but also as a person.
A dear friend, Rob, gasped when he heard of the creation of a new blog yet again. The fear of change should not be welcomed, nor criticism that could hurt. This is to welcome change and to embrace it head on. This is also an attempt to hold on to old memories; some were already lost in the hustle and bustle of remembering usernames, passwords and email addresses for password retrieval.
It's just a shame that to gain some, we lose some.
This is also a facet of the ever-changing Richard. A lighter one; less guarded; less dark and heavy; but to some extent, this is also an anti-septic version (for lack of a better word). Less philosophical than who Rchrd really is.
Nevertheless, there is always change, just hope it's for the better.
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