My officemate JC asked me if I could scan this so he can have a design made for him to get this tattooed on his skin. My wiccan friends also compliment me whenever they see this around my neck.
I find that this pendant was really meant to be mine. There is actually a story behind this pendant.
One morning, as I was off to work, I felt a sudden attack of melancholy. I was sad all day, unresponsive. I didn't even pay close attention to what I was doing at work. I got easily irritated. Then, I was working as a recruitment associate for a big call center in Makati. I had to interview aspiring customer service agents and assess their communicatio skills and also check if they had enough smarts to talk to customers. I never thought that the simples question, "Can you tell me about yourself?" could actually spark so much disdain in me, depending on the answer. Hahaha!
Anyway, the point is all day, I was so messed up. When we got off from work, my friend Reva asked me how I planned to get home. I said I don't know and she asked if I could walk with her to Glorietta where she is meeting a friend. I said yes.
As we were walking in the mall, I saw this pendant and said I had to buy that. I didn't have much cash with me at that time so I decided against it. Reva's friend texted her and we went to meet her friend and we parted ways. Then, this mania came over me to go to all my bank's atms and withdrew all my money. The ending is, I bought the pendant anyway and it made my day.
It changed my mood from then on. So anytime I felt sad, I just hold my pendant between my fingers and remind myself how it changed my mood then.
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