I found this blog... it's very interesting. I am assuming that it is a photo blog because I cannot find any posts with a lot of words... Just pictures and captions. The contents are not so much (maybe because I wasn't able to browse through it long enough) if you think about it but I feel a form of sincerity and a sense of profoundness in the way the pictures from this guy are presented. I like it!!!
Here's the link...
3:05 AM |
After so long, after about 2 weeks of non-sleep mode, I was able to get a decent amount of sleep yesterday. . . about 5 hours of sleep. That's not counting the amount of time I have spent sleeping in vans that I ride going home. I feel so stretched, like butter spread on too much bread... de ja vu: I heard that from Bilbo in the LOTR. Hopefully this trend will pick up and increase my sleep time.
A lot of weird things happen to me when I don't get enough sleep. I perceive things in slow motion. Hahaha. I might be going crazy because of sleep deprivation. I haven't even finished reading my book.
I want this week to be done with.
2:58 AM |
everyday life,

I just got my latest pay... huhuhu... I'm in debt. Why do I have to pay for the electric bill? Is this the will of God? Oh my God!!!! At anyrate... life is a tragedy for those who feel and a comedy for those who think... What do you think? Jean de Bruyere thought so and some nosy neighbor quoted him on it...
All I know is... beauty is only skin deep but ugly... is to the bone... my newest tag line for this year... heheheh
10:15 AM |
everyday life,

After a long while, I am able to post again. I can hear the Druids of the Claw say, "I'm awake, I'm awake... "
Updates on me,
1. I bought my PC na!!!
2. I got a credit card na!!!
3. I am in debt... hahaha and I still need to pay bills that pile up by the minute (I am now responsible for the electric bill at home... hee hee)
I miss you all. I haven't processed my broadband internet connection application yet so I can't update my blog regularly and I am so busy right now. I miss you Kate...
I am reading American Gods right now. And Warrior of the Light. And Lost Roads. I am sleeping less due to Warcraft. I was nearly eaten alive, chewed and spit out by the new MS Office 2007 on my PC and I am constantly worrying about my credit card bills now. Ha ha ha.
Till next time folks... Ciao!
Image from The Eye of the Forest by ~Elven-King-R
10:29 AM |
everyday life,