Wishes anyone? I have found out that in Japan, people tell of a strange artifact called the Monkey's Paw. It is a mummified paw of a monkey and is said to have the power to grant anything that the possessor could wish for.
A few months back, perhaps early February of this year, I found an episode of XXX-holic with this same theme. It was spine tingling.
Now, I have recently finished reading Stephen King's Pet Sematary and the phrase came up again. monkey's paw. After some rummaging through the story, I found out that there is a short story about this devious artifact.
Quick summary: Be careful what you wish for.
Enjoy reading The Monkey's Paw
photo from http://mrstickman.deviantart.com/art/Chacma-Baboon-43083381
My head feels light with sleeplessness. My thoughts now border on delusions of grandeur. Thinking I have strange powers; Thinking that I am a mythical creature; Thinking that if I stumble on the road and fall, with a speeding truck approaching, I will be able to let my powers out like teleport myself out of the situation or make a force field to shield me from impact.
I have grown my nails long. I have painted them all black.
I have built a castle in the clouds. I have imprisoned myself in a beautiful cage that I don't want to free myself from. I know that something is definitely wrong because I feel pain. I need myself to save me from this crazy path.
Hell! Even my writing feels crappy.
10:22 AM |
I have just realized that I lost my lustre in terms of writing. I look back into the things that I have written on this blog and I feel like it was a totally different person writing this blog. I find that I am drowning in the shallowness in the expression of my thoughts.
A few years back, I was in Quiapo and I was out to buy loads of DVDs. In particular, I was looking to buy the Studio Ghibli collection that I saw a few months back. I was ecstatic to find it and I bought it immediately. One of the disks it contained was Pompoko, which is a story about tanukis using their transformation power to save their forest from the construction project for housing. I just thought it would be a nice tale to look up in the net and I have found a cute little story about a tanuki that was challenged by a fox in a transformation contest.
The Fox and the Tanuki
Autumn Kitsune by *zetallis courtesy again of Deviant Art and the Artist
What if.mp3 |
A lot of people might not know that Kate Winslet can sing. Enjoy!
I have found this little tale about Anansi the spider. This came from Africa. Anansi is actually a naughty character much like Loki of the Norse. This story came from the Yoruba Tribe from Nigeria. I found this tale on this site.
I have found the click-and-read idea of this website fun and exciting. It gave me the feeling that I am back home when I was 7 and my mom was reading to me my favorite fairy tales at home. Feels like flipping pages...

I have found the click-and-read idea of this website fun and exciting. It gave me the feeling that I am back home when I was 7 and my mom was reading to me my favorite fairy tales at home. Feels like flipping pages...
Help yourself.
art from Deviant Art http://zemrturtle.deviantart.com/art/Turtle-mushroom-flower-and-on-24091032
10:00 AM |
Kudos to Scarlet-dragonchild for this surreal drawing of the moon. This is called Talk to the Moon.
One week ago, I got a sudden urge to read fairy tales. I wanted to read about the different mythical creatures around the world and to tell people about them so I said to myself, I will be putting stories on this blog about weird, scary and fabulous stories related to fairies or magical creatures. I am aiming to hunt for stories that are off the beaten track so that I will have more fun in the process. A new quest begins so look out for it.
Deviant Art
Speaking of Deviant Art, aside from the fact that I got the picture from that website, I would like to promote it just like I did to Drawn.ca. I actually learned about it from my stalking other people while waiting for the internet lounge in the office. There was this one girl who was surfing and she was browsing through Deviant Art and I got intrested because I also love art. It is more organized compared to Drawn.ca in a sense that you can get an account and have your own little space in the web to post your art works. Most of what I saw wowed me because these people on this website is very artistic. I totally adore it!!! Just look at the artwork on this post.
10:30 AM |
I have recently updated the look of my blog to this green and white number and I need help. Yesterday, I told my friend Rob about it and asked him to check if the lay out is ok. I needed to check because the computer I was using had a life of its own and I think it went out of its way to bastardize my blog lay out.
As it turns out, when I view my blog in an IE browser, it looks ok but Rob told me otherwise. He was using a Firefox browser. I am feeling paranoid about it so I want to get feedback on how my blog will look like for everybody. Of course I would like to present my blog in a logical and neat manner so please, I would like to get feedback if this blog template looks odd on your browser. Thanks!!!
As it turns out, when I view my blog in an IE browser, it looks ok but Rob told me otherwise. He was using a Firefox browser. I am feeling paranoid about it so I want to get feedback on how my blog will look like for everybody. Of course I would like to present my blog in a logical and neat manner so please, I would like to get feedback if this blog template looks odd on your browser. Thanks!!!
Back in 2003, I saw the book The Manual of the Warrior of Light by Paolo Coelho. My first impulse was to buy the book because I was a fan of the author ever since I laid my claws on his book the Alchemist. I wanted to buy the book but during that time, I was as irresponsible so I always did not have enough money. As it turns out, 4 years later and after having read The Valkyries, I suddenly had this yearning to buy the book.
I can say that I have learned so many things about Paolo Coelho starting with the Alchemist, Veronika Decides to Die and Eleven minutes but it was not until I read the Valkyries that I felt this chilling sensation that Paolo Coelho is not just an author. I feel that he is also a magus in the truest sense of the word. And here he is now, writing a manual so other people can follow his path.
From what I've read, The Manual of the Warrior of Light was between 1993 and 1996 but later on consolidated as a book last 1997. It gives us the metaphor of a warrior's code of honor or bushido in the samurai's language to impart a philosophy. I am now saving up money to buy this book. I'm excited to buy this book!
The front cover of the book titled Manual of the Warrior of Light by Paulo Coelho.
Source URL: http://www.fantasticfiction.co.uk/c/paulo-coelho/manual-of-warrior-of-light.htm
Source URL: http://www.fantasticfiction.co.uk/c/paulo-coelho/manual-of-warrior-of-light.htm
Oh no... I can feel the pull of the deep blue ocean. My tears are longing to return to the vastness of the sea. I am in a lull. In a hush before the storm. I can feel that the out-of-body feeling is being caused by the approach of August.
Lo and behold. August is here. My birthday is coming up. I don't know what to do yet. I am losing sanity bit by bit.
For the past month and a half, I have grown my nails long. Last week, I shaped them to look like Voldemort's fingernails and 3 days ago, I painted them black. Hahaha! The things I do when the moon is full and the tide of passion is high.
Definitely, I am growing stronger spiritually but I have a long way to go and august is not the right time to be blue.
Lo and behold. August is here. My birthday is coming up. I don't know what to do yet. I am losing sanity bit by bit.
For the past month and a half, I have grown my nails long. Last week, I shaped them to look like Voldemort's fingernails and 3 days ago, I painted them black. Hahaha! The things I do when the moon is full and the tide of passion is high.
Definitely, I am growing stronger spiritually but I have a long way to go and august is not the right time to be blue.
10:07 AM |
I met this lady last 2003 I think with her first single "These Words." Its so refreshing to hear her voice blasting out of the radio. I felt like ten elephant trunks sprayed freezing arctic water on me. Hahaha! My heart jumped when I heard this song actually.
Now, here she is with a new album NB, and I so loved this lady. Talk about lyrics! Take "I Wanna Have Your Babies" for example. Hahaha! I love it! Here's a link to her official website where you can find all the lyrics, selected videos and audio from her.
Quite a refreshing site I might add. Clean, interactive and simply crisp with creativity.
I have always considered the moon as one of my closest companions in my night-time existence. Last night, I saw the yellowest moon that I have ever seen in my life. This inspired me to string along a few words while I was on the van going to work.
I have walked with the moon in the darkness.
I have held her silvery hand while we were walking on spiderwebs
stretched over spindly stems.
We have rippled a nearby pond with the fleeting reflection we have cast upon its stillness.
She held my hand while she rode on a hawk's eye moth so we could fly away from my bedroom window.
That's what I have so far. I can feel a little bit of melancholy as I am writing this post.
I have walked with the moon in the darkness.
I have held her silvery hand while we were walking on spiderwebs
stretched over spindly stems.
We have rippled a nearby pond with the fleeting reflection we have cast upon its stillness.
She held my hand while she rode on a hawk's eye moth so we could fly away from my bedroom window.
That's what I have so far. I can feel a little bit of melancholy as I am writing this post.